Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year: Is happiness is what is desired?

Hello Guys.

First blogpost of 2013 i bless myself with eternal power to keep writing and i bless you guys to have power to tolerate it! hahaha!!

We all are Wishing HAPPY NEW YEAR since we learnt speaking. But wait! Will just getting the wish help? Won't we have some duty to fulfill that wish to make it true? WHY NOT GET A BIT SOCIAL OUTSIDE SOCIAL NETWORKING S TOO!

Wishing someone happy new year is like shouting at a drowning man to be safe i.e. Useless kind-of-thin! I wish this big collection of wishes made it happy or should we rather try collecting Blessings?
Go out! There's a beggar sitting on your front gate give her a sweater.
Or look our for that needy hungry dog, he could really use a roti or something.

Life isn't flly about celebration and not even mourning, It is about the intermediate stage, the daily life and how you deal with it, with normal, with common & ORDINARY people!

I bless you all to ave a lot more social and less clever year & life ahead !!