Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I learnt today!

Today after a long time it was finally Chemistry lab and i'll mention here that i love chemistry!!

Ethanol+Ethanoic acid in presence of conc. Sulfuric Acid makes Ethyl Ethanoate which is an ester!!

Ester are sweet smelling fruity compounds.

Heyy they aren't...!! They smell like nail polish removal.. Try pouring some in your nose... ;)

When i got the test-tube, i shake-d it and it got violent(it shouldn't have) and as my face was just above it, it got inside my nose! Damn..i can still smell it! 

What i learnt is that

◄►Esters aren't sweet smelling they smell like nail polish remover which isn't bad but isn't good either!

◄►In lab of chemistry, keep your nose miles away from test-tube or any apparatus!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

My Abstract of Real :Life.

►◄ A Flower that blossoms soon, Perishes soon.

~~~ Success, if comes too early then it may leave early too! So be patient and enjoy every dull moment coz that's what's gonna make life easier!!